Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bad blogger! (and new header)

I’m such a crappy blogger!  I realised today I hadn’t posted since the beginning of March so thought I’d say a quick hello to prove I haven’t gone walkabouts.  I’ve spent most of the time that Morgan has been “sleeping” playing around with a new blog header, hope someone likes it as much as I do :)

I’m hoping to get a Wordless Wednesday post up later today if I have enough time otherwise it might have to be a Talkative Thursday instead.


  1. I LOVE your header Krissie! How did you do that?!!! I need me one a bit like that (though, not exactly like that, but with some photos of my knitting etc)

  2. Looks great! I have spent far too much time today trying to get my header looking better... but landed up going back to my good old faithful one.
