Wednesday, November 4, 2009

October at a Glance


I’ve been trying to think of new things to do on here so that you guys have more crap stuff to read/look at.  So first up we have
“At a Glance” which if I’m organised will be posted at the end of each month…possibly the beginning of the next. But if you know me, you’ll also know that I’m not a very organised person :P

Highlights in October

  • DP and I celebrated 9 years of being together (big thanks to Kelly for helping me with the gift)
  • Zoe doing swimming lessons with her school and doing great!
  • My SIL having her first baby – Logan
  • Morgan’s 2nd birthday!
  • Getting a CL to knit and sell Milo Vests! (ok…not as important as the other ones but it makes it on my list :P )

I was hoping to add a photo part to this post – but due to our camera being broken, there weren’t too many photos taken – found a couple from Morgans birthday (hopefully I’ll be able to add photos to Novembers “At a Glance”)

Dad and Morgan taking her new bike for a spinDSCF1841

Morgan's Birthday Cake, its the first one I’ve made – so don’t look to closely (normally DP’s mum makes the cakes)DSCF1850

Stay tuned for “Wordless Wednesdays”  which I’ve just realised is today…


  1. I love the look of that cake!
    And ahhhh, you realise that wordless wednesdays are usually just posts full of pictures, and what with your broken camera......LMAO

  2. Never fear for I have a backup plan (and I found the old camera that takes a million and one batteries)! :D
